In 1928 WB Yeats chaired the first Irish coin committee and these coins are the first series of coins made for the Irish state. The coins have the letters ‘Saorstat Eireann’ meaning Irish Free State. As this was the first year Irish coins were made, they are rare. Please click on the photograph for a closer look. Click on the description button for a look at events from 1928!
Andy Warhol (Actor)
Quincy Jones (Actor)
Grace Kelly (Actress)
Shirley Temple (Actress)
The Electric Shaver was Patented
Aviator Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to successfully pilot an aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean
Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin in 1928 and changed the world of modern medicines by introducing the age of antibiotics and his discovery of penicillin has, and still, saves millions of people.
The cartoon star Mickey Mouse appears on November 18th in Steamboat Willie, an animated 1928 short film produced by Walt Disney.
Lady Chatterley’s Lover is banned for being to explicit in England and the US
The First Yo Yo Factory Opens making YoYo’s in Santa Barbara, California.